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Showing posts from December, 2017

Games Prayer and Forgiveness’s @Home Lessons on the Lord’s Prayer "Untying knots" is a great visual metaphor for the word "forgiveness" which means "to loosen," "let go," "unbind." Quite literally, the tying and untying of the knots is a wonderful kinesthetic activity (movement), and the added bonus in this activity is that we are helping one another untie each other's knots! The Lord’s Prayer: "Forgiveness: Untying the Human Knot" Summary of Activity  This is a "knotty" activity to drive home the meaning of "forgive us our debts..." The Greek word which we translate as "forgive" is an action word that means "letting go, freeing, loosening." It's a rich visual metaphor that you will drive home in this "knotty" famil