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Minggu 10 - Witness to the Love of God (2)

πŸ‘ Grow and Grow in:

Memahami bahwa kasih
Allah dapat terlihat melalui pemeliharaan-Nya bagi ciptaan dan kasih-Nya merupakan kasih yang tak bersyarat (unconditional love)

πŸ“– Fokus Alkitab:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

🎼🎸Sing a Song:

Jesus Loves Me
Lirik: Anna B. Warner

Bait 1
Jesus loves me! This I know,
For the Bible tells me so;
Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak, but He is strong

Bait 2
Jesus loves me! This I know,
As He loved so long ago,
Taking children on His knee,
Saying, “Let them come to Me.”

Bait 3
Jesus loves me still today,
Walking with me on my way,
Wanting as a friend to give
Light and love to all who live

Bait 4
Jesus loves me! He who died,
Heaven’s gate to open wide;
He will wash away my sin,
Let His little child come in.

Bait 5
Jesus loves me! He will stay,
Close beside me all the way;
Thou hast bled and died for me,
I will henceforth live for Thee.

Yes, Jesus loves me! 
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so

πŸ“ŒπŸ’‘ Let's Memorized:

Ayat Hafalan

πŸ“š Bahan Cerita

Video tentang kata Agape :

Untuk direnungkan

Apakah persamaan kisah tersebut dengan Kristus?

Menurut kalian mengapa Kristus tidak menyerah untuk mencari orang berdosa?

Mengapa hal tersebut (juga hal kebangkitan Kristus) dapat membuat kita bersukacita?

Sukacita adalah sikap dan pilihan, bukan merupakan perasaan senang/gembira semata

Sukacita berarti :
TIDAK KUATIR. Yakin bahwa Tuhan yg hidup akan selalu menyertai dan memberi jalan keluar
BISA BERSYUKUR dalam segala keadaan. Senang atau susah,  khususnya keadaan yg susah. Knp bisa bersyukur, krn yakin selalu memberikan yg terbaik. Walaupun kelihatannya seperti bukan hal yg baik.

Bagaimana caranya agar dapat senantiasa bersukacita? Kuncinya adalah “dalam Tuhan”

Let's Discuss :
1. Read 1 John 3:1!
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, 
that we should be called children of God! 
And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. NIV 

Lihatlah, betapa besarnya kasih yang dikaruniakan Bapa kepada kita, sehingga kita disebut anak-anak Allah, 
dan memang kita adalah anak-anak Allah. 
Karena itu dunia tidak mengenal kita, sebab dunia tidak mengenal Dia

What feelings do you have knowing that you have been called a “child of God?”

2. Read 1 John 4:9-11. 
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.
This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

Dalam hal inilah kasih Allah dinyatakan di tengah-tengah kita, yaitu bahwa Allah telah mengutus Anak-Nya yang tunggal ke dalam dunia, supaya kita hidup oleh-Nya. 
Inilah kasih itu: Bukan kita yang telah mengasihi Allah, 
tetapi Allah yang telah mengasihi kita  
dan yang telah mengutus Anak-Nya sebagai pendamaian bagi dosa-dosa kita. 
Saudara-saudaraku yang kekasih, jikalau Allah sedemikian mengasihi kita, maka haruslah kita juga saling mengasihi. 

According to these verses, how should we respond to the love God has shown us?

3. Read 1 Cor 13:4-8
Look up the following words in the dictionary and discuss examples of how each represents Godly love : patient, kind, envy, boast, proud, rude, self-seeking, angered, truth, protects, trusts, hopes, preserves, fails.

Mentor reference :

Bahan Buku Kurikulum (sebelum revisi - untuk bacaan mentor) 

It is one thing to take care of a car that works right; it’s another thing to take care of one that doesn’t. it’s easy to take care of a healthy child; taking care of a sick child is another story. Similarly, it was one thing for God to take care of His creation before the Fall; it’s been another thing for Him to take care of it after the Dall, because since then the creation has been groaning. Life is not experienced throughout the created realm in the way that God originally intended.

God loves this groaning creation

God loves so much that He sent His Son to redeem this groaning creation

This redemption has already been accomplished.
This redemption will be fully experienced at the second coming of Christ.

How Can  We Then Live?
1. By depending in God’s love
Our food doesn’t ultimately come from the grocery store, nor our paycheck from our employer. The ultimately come from God who loves us. We need to develop, day by day, a conscious dependence on the God Who is there and Who is loving us.
One way we manifest this conscious dependence is through prayer. Jesus said, “This, then, is how you should pray: … Give us today our daily bread” (Matt 6:9, 11). Knowing that food does not come to us automatically, we can acknowledge that it comes to us through the personal care of a personal God, whom we are asking today to give us what we need. Through prayer, we appreciate our life, our breath, our food, our clothing, and our shelter, as we thank God, because we know that in Him we live and move and have our being.

2.  By hoping for God’s love at the second coming of Christ
There will be no ecological utopia this side of the resurrection. This truth does not undermine our hope for a better world now; it simply orients our ultimate hope to the same place where the Bible orients it: the coming of Christ, the resurrection from the dead, and the new heavens and the new earth. Similarly, the truth that we will not reach moral perfection in this life, but only in the life to come, does not undermine our present striving to be pure, as Christ is pure (1 John 1:8; 3:2-3). Rather, it fosters it.

3.  By participating in God’s love
The Bible says that God is going to bring a judgment of fire, just as He brought a judgment of water. But remember, God preserved His creation through the water, and He is going to preserve it through the fire. And just as He loved before the Flood, at the Flood, and after the Flood, so we have the privilege of loving before the fire, at the fire, and after the fire.
Because God has created us in His image (to be like Him), and because He loves His creation with a deep love, so we too must love with a deep love. We lovingly preserve the creation, among other reasons, to preserve the witness in creation to the love of God.

4.  By Worshiping the God who loves
Nehemiah 9:5-6
If the multitudes of heaven worship the Creator Who cares so much, so can we. We worship God publicly each Sunday and every day our lives, presenting ourselves to Him as living sacrifices, which is our only reasonable response to the great love that He has shown to us in Christ (Rome 12:1)

1. Dalam hal apa kamu dapat lupa atau sulit untuk bergantung
kepada Tuhan?

2. Bagaimana caramu berpartisipasi dalam kasih Tuhan melalui pelestarian lingkungan?

Apa makna Roma 12:1 bagimu?

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